Projects are organized and implemented based on their objectives, guidelines, obligations, and expected outcomes.

I. Community College Team Projects for Selected Colleges


The Community College (CC) Team Project provide grants of $10,000 to individual college teams to undertake college-wide projects to build its International-Intercultural Education.  A CC Team must have a minimum of five faculty and one administrator and propose to implement a four-year college-wide plan with a focus on a geographic region. Objective is to facilitate, support, and provide resources to College Teams to undertake college-wide projects to build its International-Intercultural Education.

A CC Team must have a minimum of five faculty and one administrator, and propose to implement a four-year college-wide plan.

  • Middle East 2023-2027

    CC Team: Mid Michigan College

    Co-sponsors: U. of Illinois, Middle East and U. of Michigan, Middle East & NA Centers

  • South Asia 2021-2025

    CC Team: Harper College

    Co-sponsor: U. of Washington, South Asia Center

  • Russia & East Europe 2019-2024

    CC Team: Illinois Valley Community College

    Co-sponsor: Indiana University, Russia & East European Institute

  • East Asia 2019-2025

    CC Team: Delta College

    Co-sponsor: U. of Kansas, East Asia Center

  • Africa 2019-2024

    CC Team: South Central College

    Co-sponsor: Michigan State U., African Studies Center

  • Latin America 2019-2024

    CC Team: Sinclair Community College

    Co-sponsor: U. of Michigan, Latin America & CS Center

  • Southeast Asia 2019-2024

    CC Team: Schoolcraft College

    Co-sponsor: Michigan State U., Asian Studies Center

  • Middle East 2019-2022

    CC Team: Oakland Community College

    Co-sponsor: U. of Michigan, Middle East & NA Center

  • Global Studies 2019-2022

    CC Team: St. Louis Community College at FP

    Co-sponsor: U. of Washington, Global Studies Center

  • Europe & Middle East 2020-2022

    CC Team: Mott Community College

    Co-sponsor: U. of Illinois, European Union Center


 II. Virtual Professional Groups


Organize and facilitate group virtual meetings with follow-up online communications for professional development. Faculty will be reporting on significant scholarly books or articles and have group virtual discussions on them.


 III. Co-Sponsor Curriculum Modules in a Geographic Region or Country


The MIIIE in collaboration with International Centers (NRCs) will sponsor the development of curriculum modules with a focus on a geographical region or country. Interested faculty are invited to submit an application to the MIIIE Director for review and approval. Faculty will receive access to curriculum resources, pedagogical guidelines, and feedback on their module development.